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Qualification & Work Experiences

M.Sc. Usability Engineering | Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences | Germany
B.Sc. Software Engineering | Chiange Mai University | Thailand

Experiences: CV

Yard GmbH
August 2018 - July 2019

UI&UX Design (Internship and Working Student)

Yard is a tech startup in Düsseldorf empowering and delivering a solution for people to grow food at home, as we were tackling the problem of indoor gardening in small spaces. I was firstly there as a UI design intern. However, apart from UI design, I was also diving into branding, as well as product design topics. Moreover, as user-friendliness is in our DNA, I was implementing UX activities such as usability testing to evaluate the product, and user researching to understand our target users' motivation, needs and pains. In addition, I was an enthusiast in building team culture and collaboration by facilitating Agile retrospective meetings every other week. As a result, I was hired as a working student in UI&UX design after my internship.

Digital Product School by UnternehmerTUM
May 2018 - July 2018

Interaction Designer (IxD)

I got a scholarship to participate as an interaction designer in Digital Product School, a 3-month-program learning and developing a digital product to solve real world problems. During the program, my international and interdisciplinary team was tackling the problem of busy people having no time for breakfast, and develop an MVP through Design Thinking, Agile and Lean UX frameworks.

Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences
November 2017

Accessathon #2

Accessathon is a 48-hour long hackathon focused on solving accessibility problems at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences in Kamp-Lintfort, Germany. I have participated the Accessathon along with a team member, and we developed a communication system between Deaf and hearing people using human centred design activities.

September 2015 - February 2016

Junior UI Designer

At YogaTrail, it was my first experience as a full-time UI designer while learning about UX design by myself. My main responsibilities were making sure the UI design is consistent across the platform, inventing new UI elements, designing simple and easy to use UI, and graphic design such as banners for marketing, business card, and stickers. Also, I have learned to work in an interdisciplinary team as the team is very diverse in terms of backgrounds and nationalities.

Nextzy Technologies
January 2015 - May 2015

Graphic Design Intern

To complete my bachelor's in Software Engineering, I was interning in a software startup in Bangkok for 4 months. As I developed my interest in UI design, I started working there in graphic design in designing banners, business cards and office decoration. Then further developed into UI design, and got to know about UX design.



Human-Centred Design

Usability Testing


Adobe Illustrator




Experiences: List

Messed by T.

Being artsy and creative are the traits I hear from people around me since I was little. I was the kid who begged to buy comic books over snacks when going to 7-11 with my mom, and would come home to draw all day. Art is subjective, vast and sometimes messy.

"Messed by T." is both the name I give on something I created, as well as the safe space for me to be creative, explorative and messy with no one saying what's right or wrong.

Experiences: Text
Experiences: Instagram
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