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by Team Ananas

Digital Product School

I got an opportunity to participate in Digital Product School (DPS) by UnternehmerTUM in Munich, Germany as an Interaction Designer for 3 months. At DPS, we learned to build digital products to solve real world problems by being user-centred. My team, Ananas were tackling too-busy-for-breakfast problem and came up with an MVP at the end.

WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Projects

You ≠ User

We started out the project by choosing a problem space we all feel excited about, and validate the need by going out and talk to people if the problem really exists. Eventually, we agreed on breakfast topic where we tackled the problem of being to busy to prepare breakfast in the morning. After talking to 11 people and analyzing insights, we came up with a persona and defined a HMW question.

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WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Bio

"How might we provide busy people with a healthy beakfast?"

WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Bio


After defining the problem, we started to brainstorm possible solutions and allow ourselves to go as crazy and innovative as we could. Then we voted the ideas we liked most, created a user journey showing user's tasks and activities, and a storyboard to illustrate how the MVP will fit in user's life.

WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Bio
WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Image
WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Image


We developed a paper prototype to get user's findings and insights, and iterate as quickly as we could. Since our main concept and most of the workflow of the digital product got validated, there were only minor changes in design to make it most self-explanatory and easy to use. We didn't have any major pivot, so we persevere the idea and developed into interactive high-fidelity prototype.

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WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Bio
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As the Interaction Designer of the team, I was mainly designing and developing prototypes. Because DPS provided SketchApp and UXPin workshops, so I was using SketchApp for designing UI, and UXPin for interaction and animation for the interactive high-fidelity prototype.

WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Bio
WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Video

Test & Iterate

During the process, we tried to involve end users as much as we could. So, we conducted usability tests to get qualitative insights on both product and design. We did 3 design iterations and 13 usability testings in total.

WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Bio

Not only we were working on the project, but also were learning a lot from many interesting workshops and meetings DPS provided for the multidisciplinary teams such as Design Thinking, Lean Canvas, Team Building and Agile Retrospective.

WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Bio
WonderBowl by Team Ananas: Work
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